APOLLOLINE have agreement with DHL, Fed-Ex, TNT, UPS & etc. We have provide to competitive rate per kgs & parcel. Now the moment bangladesh garments industries is a very strong & competitor in global market. They have many small parcel, special we have provided the lowest cost for courier and freight rate worldwide and at the same time by meeting the deadline even after delay in production of samples or shipments. Besides garments we handle specialized shipments like temperature controlled clinical trial shipments, biological shipment, pharmaceutical shipments, dangerous goods, obc on board courier, aog aircraft on ground shipments, project and outsized shipments.

    Our Services at a Glance
  • International Courier Service

  • E-Commerce Delivery

  • Import Consolidation (AIR & SEA)

  • Export Consolidation (AIR & SEA)

  • Custom Clearance Services

  • Warehousing and Distribution